
Welcome to the revolutionary Start and Creator Codes script for your FiveM server!

Step 1

Make sure you have on your server all the scripts written in dependencies

Step 2

Once your purchase is verified, download the resource and add it to the resources of your server. Then add this line of code to your server.cfg

ensure Fo4rWelcome

Step 3

Inside the resource comes a file called "install_me.sql" and add those columns to your database.

Step 4

Before turning on the server open the config.lua file and make the changes that are convenient for you.

Config = {}

Config.EnableCreatorCode = true
Config.EnableReward = true

Config.Webhook = 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_HERE'

Config.Labels = {
    ServerName = "Fo4r",
    Press = 'Press ~g~[E]~w~ to open menu',
    Webhook1 = 'Has claimed the welcome package',
    Webhook2 = 'Has redeemed the code: ',
    CodeNoValid = 'The code is not valid',

Config.CarCoordsSpawn = {x = -1029.14, y = -2732.87, z = 20.075, h = 240.1851}

Config.Coords = {x = -1036.0082, y = -2734.3013, z = 20.1693, h = 138.3146}

Config.Ped = { --if not change it to false
    model = "cs_milton",
    animation = {anim = "mini@strip_club@idles@bouncer@base", dict = "base"},

Config.FirstReward = {
    items = { --if not change it to false
        {item = "water", count = 2},
        {item = "bread", count = 2},
        {item = "phone", count = 1},
    money = { --if not change it to false
        {account = "money", count = 5000},
        {account = "bank", count = 1000},
    Carname = "akuma", --if not change it to false

Config.CreatorRewards = {
    ["lion"] = { -- Creator code
        items = { --if not change it to false
            {item = "water", count = 2},
            {item = "bread", count = 2},
            {item = "phone", count = 1},
        money = { --if not change it to false
            {account = "money", count = 5000},
            {account = "bank", count = 1000},
            -- {account = "coins", count = 100},
        Carname = "futo", --if not change it to false

function plategenerator()
    return exports['esx_vehicleshop']:GeneratePlate()

Step 5

Turn on your server and enjoy

Last updated